Never get stumped header

Whether you’re helping a customer or on a sales call, great business communication has a few common traits. There’s a clear goal for the conversation, everyone stays on topic, and the conversation is understood by all when concluded. But we’re only human. Not every conversation goes as planned. Sometimes you’ll forget a detail or two. Sometimes you’ll have to stall or put customers on hold while you search for an answer. And sometimes you’ll have an awkward silence caused by an unexpected brain fart. It happens.

You’re not a robot. You can’t possibly recall every detail of your product or business. And you shouldn’t have to cover your desk with post-it notes so you can remember to talk about the latest sale. That’s why we created Dialpad Ai, our AI embedded in our cloud-based phone system that’s designed to help employees in real time. Think of it as a cheat sheet for your conversations. Dialpad Ai has a specific feature, Real-time Assist cards—or RTAs—pull up information on a card for your employees to reference live on the call based on the keywords or phrases that the customer or prospect says. Managers can customize these cards for a variety of uses specific to their business. Let’s take a look at how you can utilize Dialpad Ai and the RTA feature so your team never gets stumped on an important call.

Objection handling

Whether you’re in customer service trying to upsell or in sales trying to land that big client, you’ll always face objections from tightfisted prospects. Setting up RTAs help your reps handle common objections in real time—keeping them focused on the call and saving deals. Let’s look at some examples below.

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Comparing to the competition

You can’t expect your sales or service reps to know every detail of every competitor. So when a customer asks, “why should I pick you over XYZ?” RTAs are there to help you out. You can use your RTA cards as sales battle cards, filling them out with pricing information, features comparisons, customer reviews, and any other ammunition to set your business apart.

Too expensive

There are a few tactics you can engage when your prospect is concerned about cost. One way is to use RTAs to pull up your internal ROI calculator to prove that your product will save them money. RTAs could also populate information about the cost of not buying your product.


There could be many reasons why a customer tries to cancel your service. With RTAs, you can prepare a defense for them all. If a customer didn’t see enough value from your products, RTAs can quickly surface links to a series of blogs or helpful videos. If the customer finds a better offer, RTAs can pull up approved incentives to save the deal without having to get your boss on the line.

Missing features or products

If a prospect brings up a feature or product you don’t currently offer, you can use RTAs to pull up a manager-approved script for your rep to read. Use this to steer the conversation away, prove that they don’t need the feature, or showcase a different feature that accomplishes the same goal. Or, RTAs can link to your product roadmap to let reps know when that feature will be rolled out—all without having to put the prospect on hold or ask for help.

Issue and ticket resolution

It’s common for the majority of a company’s support calls to be the same handful of issues. And while you might have plenty of information on how to handle them on your website, there will always be customers who prefer to call in. RTAs can help your reps handle these common requests faster and without putting customers on hold or searching through help center articles. So when a customer mentions common issues like “account setup,” “I can’t log in,” “change my password,” “installation trouble,” and others, Dialpad Ai pulls up the RTA card with the troubleshooting information your rep needs to handle the requests quickly. This can save minutes from every call and drastically improve customer satisfaction.

Close sales

When competition is stiff, your sales team needs every advantage to seal the deal. Speed and professionalism are crucial to closing. With RTAs, your team gets relevant information sent right to their fingertips—giving them the ammunition to sell faster and more effectively. Here are a few ways RTAs can turn your sales team into a sales machine.

Sell the value

Everyone knows features don’t sell. Value does. So when a customer mentions a specific feature, an RTA card can give your rep juicy talking points like statistics, case studies, quotes, anecdotes, customer reviews, analogies, testimonials, and more. They’ll never be at a loss for words.

Sweeten the deal

Who doesn’t love a good sale? With RTAs, you can give your sales team information on the latest sales and promos by setting up an RTA that is triggered when a customer asks about “lowering the price” or inquires about any “deals.” This allows your reps to quickly share the information without searching through documentation or remembering it off the top of their heads.

Employee training

Coaching new employees and continuing education for veterans is always a struggle. There’s a lot to remember for new employees. With RTA cards, they have access to manager-approved talk tracks—allowing them to hit the ground running. In fact, we’ve seen agent ramp-up time decrease by 50% for some companies. For veteran employees, RTAs are an easy way to deliver new product information and test new strategies.


Every business is different, and there’s a lot to remember. Setting up RTAs is an easy way to deliver nuanced information right when it’s needed. Fax numbers, privacy policies, holiday hours, etc., are all quickly accessible with RTA cards.


Great sales and support start with great conversations. But great conversations require you to have something to say. With Dialpad’s AI-powered business phone system and our Real-time Assist feature delivering relevant information in real time, your employees can successfully navigate any conversation with confidence.

Are you a Dialpad customer? Here’s how you can start creating RTA cards.

Dialpad offers calling, video conferencing, and chat for internal business communications and call centers—all powered by AI. Start making smarter calls today and sign up for a free 14-day trial.

RTAs are just one element of Dialpad Ai. Learn how it can correct your speech, take your notes, create call transcriptions, and more.

Learn More About Dialpad Ai