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See how CureMint uses Dialpad to stay connected to over 700 dental offices

Cure Mint customer story
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CureMint is a company that helps dental organizations grow faster with its all-in-one procurement platform. With over 700 dental office customers, organized communication is a must to ensure supply orders are being promptly fulfilled and the dental offices feel confident that they will have the needed supplies to take care of their patients.

Well, it turns out the voice communication system they were using just wasn’t up to the task.

Brad Springer, VP of Success at CureMint, knew they needed something better. Specifically, CureMint needed the ability to organize its voice communications, efficiently log information in Salesforce, and make sure calls were reaching the right people.

And he knew just the software for the job.

A new kind of scaling for dental organizations

Brad had used Dialpad at a previous startup, so he knew exactly what to expect and why it was the right choice for CureMint. There were several key features that CureMint needed.

Simultaneous ringing? Check. Intelligent call routing? Check.

Automatically logged information in Salesforce? That’s another check, thanks to Dialpad’s extensive app integration library.

On top of that, Dialpad was the most cost-effective option too. While other companies locked features behind paywalls or reserved them for larger customers, Dialpad included everything together at a single, recurring price point. Plus, with the Dialpad for Startups program, it was even more affordable. As CureMint grows, Dialpad will be able to scale with it.

From there, it was time to get started. Onboarding with Dialpad took barely a few days (less time than it usually takes this writer to schedule a dentist appointment). The onboarding and provisioning was, in Brad’s words, “seamless and highly supported whenever questions came up.”

CureMint was ready to begin working beautifully.

Getting calls to the right person, quickly

Now, CureMint’s calls are handled efficiently and quickly. When a client calls in, they’ll be routed to the right department, and the simultaneous ringing will make sure no one misses a call. It’s even customizable from department to department, so admins can create different experiences based on the department’s needs.

Dialpad’s ability to control where calls go and make sure customers get to the right person quickly and easily is crucial to our customer-focused Success team.

Brad Springer
VP of Success, CureMint

Once each call is done, Dialpad automatically logs them in Salesforce, CureMint’s CRM, thanks to its native integration. (Which works on mobile too!)

And with Dialpad’s built-in artificial intelligence, Dialpad Ai, the calls come complete with real-time transcriptions that highlight key points, action items, and even sentiment analysis:

All of these features come included with Dialpad—no hidden fees, add-ons, or extra hoops to jump through. (When you get started with Dialpad, you get to use everything, not just what bits and pieces you can afford.)

Brad and the team at CureMint love how Dialpad can be customized to their needs, and readjusted to scale as they grow and their needs change.

It’s a very agile software, not just a ‘one-size-fits all’ solution, and has a variety of abilities to suit different sized businesses, along with the ability to adjust as you grow and your needs change.

Brad Springer
VP of Success, CureMint

When CureMint needed a new business phone system, Brad knew that Dialpad was the way to go. For other startups looking for a cloud-based telephony system, he has some advice that has served him well:

Look for the company that is setting the pace in the industry, doesn’t hide features that should be widely available behind high paywalls, and is in a position to meet the needs you see in the future as you grow.

Brad Springer
VP of Success, CureMint

With Dialpad, he found just that.

Take Dialpad for a spin

Sign up for a 14-day free trial to get phone calls, video meetings, and instant + SMS/MMS messaging in one place. It takes just a few minutes to get started, and you'll be set up with a virtual phone number too!