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Remote selling: Empower your reps to connect with leads and close deals from anywhere

Greg Cullen

Principal Account Executive, Strategic Accounts

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In the ever-evolving world of sales, remote selling has emerged as a powerful strategy that empowers sales reps to connect with leads and close deals from anywhere. By leveraging technology and digital tools, remote selling breaks the boundaries of traditional office settings, offering greater flexibility, reduced costs, and expanded market reach.

However, this sales model also presents unique challenges. Like how do you build rapport with someone without face-to-face interactions?

In this blog post, I’ll guide you through the ins and outs of remote selling, exploring its benefits and challenges, sharing best practices for success, and answering common questions that sales pros often have—based on my own experience.

What is remote selling?

Remote selling empowers sales reps to work remotely, untethered from the confines of a traditional office. This innovative approach leverages technology and digital tools to connect with prospects, build relationships, and close deals without the need for in-person interactions.

The rise of remote selling has been fueled by the advent of the internet and advancements in communication technology. It offers numerous advantages, including enhanced flexibility and work-life balance for sales reps, reduced overhead costs for businesses, and the ability to tap into a global market, transcending geographical boundaries.

That’s not to say, however, that remote selling’s not without its challenges. To succeed, sales reps must have a disciplined mindset and the ability to stay motivated in a virtual environment. But once you master the art of remote selling, you’ll unlock new opportunities, increase your earning potential, and contribute to the growth and success of your organizations. (So it’s well worth it.)

The benefits and challenges of remote sales

Benefits of remote selling

Remote selling offers a number of benefits for sales reps and businesses, including greater flexibility and work-life balance, reduced overhead costs, and expanded reach to a global market:

Geographical flexibility

One of the biggest advantages of remote selling is the increased flexibility it offers sales reps. Sales reps can work from anywhere with an internet connection, which gives them more control over their schedules and allows them to better balance their work and personal lives. This flexibility can also help sales reps to be more productive, since they can work when they’re most alert and focused.

Cost savings

Remote selling can also help businesses to reduce their overhead costs. By eliminating the need for a traditional office, businesses can save money on rent, utilities, and other office expenses. Additionally, remote selling can help businesses to attract and retain top talent, as sales reps are more likely to be drawn to companies that offer flexible work arrangements.

Access to a global market

Finally, remote selling can help businesses to expand their reach to a global market. With the internet, sales reps can easily connect with leads and customers from all over the world. This can help businesses to grow their sales and revenue, and to diversify their customer base.

Challenges of remote selling

Of course, remote selling also has some challenges, including:

Limited personal connections

One of the biggest challenges is the lack of in-person interaction. This can make it difficult for sales reps to build rapport and trust with prospects, and can also make it more difficult to close deals.

Requires more discipline

Remote selling can require more discipline and self-motivation on the part of sales reps, as they do not have the same level of supervision and support as they would in a traditional office environment.

Remote selling best practices: How to ace (and keep improving) your remote sales

Hire the best possible team and pay attention to onboarding and ongoing coaching

Building a successful remote sales team begins with selecting the right individuals. Look for self-motivated, tech-savvy individuals who are comfortable navigating the digital landscape. Once you have your team in place, invest time in a robust onboarding process, ensuring they’re well-acquainted with your product, sales strategies, and the tools they'll be using.

Ongoing coaching is equally crucial in the remote selling landscape. Regular check-ins, training sessions, and skill-building activities should be a staple in your approach. Leverage tools like to facilitate seamless communication and collaboration among your team, fostering a supportive environment for continuous improvement.

With Dialpad’s Ai Scorecards, for example, supervisors and sales managers can easily create an objective and efficient grading system as part of their customer service scorecards that uses Dialpad Ai to suggest when certain criteria are met, which can really speed up the quality review cycle and save contact center and sales managers a tremendous amount of time (and effort):

Screenshot of Dialpads Ai Scorecards feature

Dialpad’s Ai Coaching Hub provides a single source for all training and coaching during both live calls and post-interaction quality assurance (QA). From coaching struggling agents to doing call reviews and scoring perfectly executed calls, contact center coaches can literally do it all from a single dashboard in Dialpad:

Screenshot of Dialpads Ai Coaching Hub feature

Use technology to your advantage

In the absence of face-to-face interactions, leveraging technology becomes paramount. Equip your team with cutting-edge communication tools to ensure smooth interactions with leads and clients.

Dialpad, for instance, offers a seamless platform for voice and video calls, instant messaging, and collaborative document sharing. By integrating such tools into your remote selling strategy, you enhance both internal team communication and external customer interactions:

Dialpad meetings transcript in video recruiting

Personalize your approach to each lead

Not all communication channels are created equal, and your sales pitch should reflect that. Whether it's email, video calls, or social media, tailor your message to fit the medium. Understand the nuances of each channel and adapt your approach accordingly.

I find it helpful to follow a general sales methodology but customize my questions to each lead. Dialpad’s Ai Playbooks helps automate this, and checks off steps as I complete them:

Ai Playbooks blog size

Prioritize relationship-building

Building strong relationships remotely requires intentional effort. Encourage your team to go beyond the transactional aspects of sales and focus on building genuine connections. Schedule virtual coffee meetings, host webinars, and engage in casual conversations to foster a sense of camaraderie.

Active listening and empathy are essential skills here for remote sales reps. When you're listening to a lead, really listen to what they're saying. Don't just wait for your turn to talk. And when you respond, show them that you understand their needs and concerns. This will build trust and rapport, and it will make them more likely to buy from you.

Dialpad’s Ai Agent Assist helps me a lot here. It empowers agents with the right answers when they need them most, by using Ai to understand each question, pull the answer from the right place, and deliver it to agents in natural language:

Screenshot of Dialpads Ai Agent Assist popping up real time guidance during a live call

Leverage data for informed decision-making

One of the advantages of remote selling is the wealth of data generated through digital interactions. Leverage analytics tools to track and analyze your remote selling efforts.

With Dialpad, for example, you can see call metrics and even Ai CSAT scores at a glance:

Screenshot of Dialpads Ai CSAT dashboard

With this data reality at your fingertips, you’ll be able to identify trends that can inform your sales strategy. This data-driven approach ensures that your decisions are well-informed and aligned with the evolving needs of your target audience.

Ready to improve your remote selling process?

Empowering your sales team to excel in remote selling requires a holistic approach that combines the right talent, effective communication tools, and a commitment to continuous improvement. By embracing the benefits, addressing the challenges, and implementing best practices, you position your team for success in the ever-evolving landscape of remote sales.

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FAQs about remote selling

How do I build rapport with leads remotely?

Building rapport with leads remotely can be a challenge, but it’s essential for success in remote selling. Here are some tips for building rapport with leads remotely:

Use video conferencing: Video conferencing is a great way to build rapport with leads remotely because it allows you to see each other face-to-face. This can help create a more personal connection and make it easier to build trust. When using video conferencing, be sure to dress professionally, make eye contact, and smile.

Be real: People can spot a fake from a mile away, so it is important to be genuine and authentic when building rapport with leads remotely. Be yourself, let your personality shine through, and show that you are interested in the lead and their needs.

Listen actively and show empathy: When a lead is talking, really listen to what they are saying and try to understand their perspective. Show empathy by acknowledging their feelings and concerns. This will help you build trust and rapport with the lead.

Be responsive: In remote selling, it is important to be responsive to messages and inquiries from leads. This shows that you are interested in their business and that you are available to help them. Try to respond to messages within 24 hours, and if you cannot respond immediately, let the lead know when you will be able to get back to them.

Find common ground and build a relationship: Take the time to get to know your leads on a personal level. Find common ground and build a relationship with them. This will help you build trust and rapport, and it will make it more likely that they will do business with you.

Which tools do I need for remote selling?

Is it more difficult to handle objections without face-to-face interaction?

Should I adapt my sales pitch for different communication channels?

How can I track and analyze my remote selling efforts?