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How RE/MAX improves agent retention with Dialpad Ai

RE/MAX, LLC is a real estate franchisor that supports RE/MAX real estate brokers and agents around the world with tools they need to build their businesses. With more than 140,000 agents and a presence in over 900 offices in over 110 countries and territories, RE/MAX needed a powerful communications platform to connect to its network.

The RE/MAX headquarters used to use Cisco, but even that didn’t have everything they needed. According to Jeanna Bash, Director of Enterprise Applications: “We were on an older platform, and when we ended up working remotely due to COVID, there were some challenges with the way folks were able to use the telephony system. The ease of use wasn’t there.”

Josh Gilmore, VP of Customer Support, also knew they needed to get more efficient. All the different systems and vendors meant there were too many places where things could break and go wrong—it was too much to manage. “Our leadership team had to look at three different systems just to get data,” he explained.

It was time to bring their businesses and facilities together with one unified telephony platform—something that could support their team and integrate with all their existing tools.

"We wanted to access multiple lines to improve operations"

Jeanna worked with Jamie Barcia, Vice President of Information Technology, to look for a new unified telephony platform. They knew they needed a hosted real estate phone system, but there were a few specific features it had to include.

“The transition to the cloud was really about creating flexibility,” Jeanna explains. “Improving data analytics was also one of the top priorities for us, as well as integrations.”

After working with their trusted technology partner, All in IT, RE/MAX realized not only did Dialpad check all their boxes, but the reps they met with were ready to show them how Dialpad works and how they could help RE/MAX every step of the way.

After going through the demos, Dialpad won because I felt they really heard us, met all of our requirements—which there were a lot of—and provided facts about how it could fit.

Josh Gilmore
VP of Customer Support

Josh adds that Dialpad offers unique features that could really help RE/MAX’s support team. “One of the main reasons I was drawn to Dialpad was the Real-Time Assist cards,” he said.

Being able to provide live information brings a whole new level of capabilities to a support team.

Josh Gilmore
VP of Customer Support

At first glance, moving RE/MAX HQ to Dialpad was a daunting task. But Dialpad was ready to take it head-on. Dialpad’s team worked closely with RE/MAX to understand their specific needs and made the transition quick and seamless.

“The Professional Services team we worked with did an incredible job,” Jeanna remarked. “We migrated over the HQ platform—probably about a thousand numbers—within a six-week timeframe, from the time the contract was signed to the time we had our first deployment.”

In fact, it was so painless that once the headquarters were done migrating “literally the following week.” By the first week in April, they were good to go.

We wouldn't have been able to do that without Dialpad's guidance.

Jeanna Bash
Director of Enterprise Applications

A single platform for all communications, on any device

If RE/MAX was going to get their entire company on a single unified communications platform, they needed to make sure everything was connected. With Dialpad, they had one platform that could cover calling and SMS messaging, and with a single company-wide contact list to make it easy to reach anyone—no more needing to search different contact lists and make calls across disparate systems.

“Our objective was to not only replace and modernize HQ’s telephony infrastructure, but also to integrate other systems into a single platform, creating a fully connected experience.” Jamie said. “With everything aligned, employees can engage with their team and communicate both B2B and B2C, all within Dialpad. It’s a far more efficient solution, eliminating the frustration of having to consult an email directory over and over.”

One major goal for RE/MAX was being able to access their unified telephony platform on any device—desktop computers, mobile devices, and even web browsers. It was important that it worked and felt the same regardless, for a consistent experience no matter what devices they’re using.

That was another area where Dialpad fit all their criteria. In fact, RE/MAX's employees can even make a call from their computer, switch to their mobile phone with the push of a button and switch back just as easily without missing a beat.

A perfect fit for Salesforce

A unified solution is only the start. It was important that the new system also integrated with their CRM. Luckily, Dialpad did just that.

Dialpad’s Salesforce integration allows users to see caller information as soon as their phones ring, make calls from within Salesforce, and automatically log each call (all on a single pane of glass):

“We needed a platform that was strong and had a tight integration with Salesforce, so that we wouldn’t have a staff person going into two applications,” Jeanna explains. “Our Support team wanted to be able to view their ‘omni-stats’—telephony, email, and chat—in one pane of glass under one location within Salesforce, without having to go to multiple applications to get that data. Out of all the vendors we looked at, Dialpad had the strongest integration, allowing us to get that right out of the gate.”

Expected savings of five hours per onboarding session

At RE/MAX, Real-Time Assist (RTA) cards are not just tools—they're game changers in enhancing agent satisfaction and retention. RE/MAX is looking to implement RTA cards into their workflow in the future, and they expect to significantly streamline the onboarding process for new support center staff that way. With RTA Cards, the team believes they will have more confident and effective agents from day one. "We think RTA cards will fundamentally transform our onboarding experience," shares Josh. "We’re expecting to save at least five hours per onboarding session, which will be monumental for us."

Screenshot of Dialpads Ai Agent Assist functionality popping up helpful information in real time during a live call

But the RE/MAX team believes the benefits of RTA cards will extend beyond just time savings. They’re confident RTA cards will empower agents with instant access to critical information during live calls. This direct support will not only bolster the confidence of new agents but also ensure they provide top-notch service to RE/MAX's customers. "With RTA cards, we believe our team will no longer have to scramble through multiple sources for information. RTA cards will lay it all out for them, improving their experience and, by extension, our customers’," explains Josh.

This improved support structure will lead to higher job satisfaction among agents and, consequently, better retention rates. "Our agents will feel more equipped and supported, thanks to Dialpad's RTA cards. This will lead to a noticeable improvement in their job satisfaction and our retention rates," adds Josh. It's clear that Dialpad's innovative features can do more than just streamline processes at RE/MAX—they can also cultivate a more empowered and satisfied workforce.

Empowering reps Ai CSAT and sentiment analysis

At RE/MAX, introducing Dialpad's Ai CSAT and sentiment analysis marks a significant shift in how managers monitor and improve customer satisfaction. Although they have not fully implemented these features, the team is confident that these advanced AI tools will prove to be invaluable for managers in fine-tuning their team's performance. "With Ai CSAT, we will be able to pinpoint exactly where our reps need more training," says Josh, highlighting the impact of these features. "This way, we will be able to maintain the highest standards of customer service across our organization."

Screenshot of Dialpads interface displaying the sentiment of live calls at a glance

Ai CSAT, or Customer Satisfaction Score, provides immediate feedback on the quality of each interaction. This rapid assessment allows managers to address any concerns promptly and effectively. "It won’t be just about solving problems anymore—it will be about proactively improving our service," Josh elaborates. Sentiment analysis goes a step further, offering insights into the emotional context of calls. This helps in understanding customer moods and tailoring responses accordingly.

For the reps at RE/MAX, this means they will receive better support from management and clearer guidelines for delivering exceptional service. "Our reps can have concrete data on how their calls are perceived, which will allow them to refine their approach continually," Josh adds. This focus on data-driven improvement will reshape the way RE/MAX approaches customer interactions, with a clear emphasis on empathy and effectiveness.

By leveraging Dialpad's AI tools, RE/MAX believes the team will not only enhance its customer service but also empower its reps to excel in their roles. The combination of Ai CSAT and sentiment analysis will help set a new benchmark in customer engagement, one that is deeply rooted in understanding and responding to customer needs effectively.

Leveraging Ai Insights for a better customer experience

By harnessing the power of Ai Insights and contact center analytics, RE/MAX will reshape the way it interacts with customers, driving a more personalized and effective customer experience. While the team hasn’t fully implemented this feature, Josh emphasizes that he believes in the transformative role these technologies will have on RE/MAX’s operations. "With Ai Insights, we won’t just address customer queries—we’ll be able to anticipate their needs and preferences as well."

Ai Insights offers a deeper understanding of customer interactions by analyzing trends and patterns in conversations. This advanced analysis will allow RE/MAX to tailor its responses and services, ensuring that each customer feels heard and valued. "It's about being able to go beyond the transactional nature of our business and really connecting with our customers on a personal level," Josh explains.

Moreover, contact center analytics will play a crucial role in optimizing the efficiency and effectiveness of RE/MAX's customer service operations. By analyzing call volumes, response times, and customer feedback, RE/MAX will be able to constantly refine its approach. "These analytics will serve as a compass, guiding us towards areas where we can improve and excel," Josh adds.

The combination of Ai Insights and contact center analytics will prove to be critical for RE/MAX’s success. It will enable the team to not just meet but exceed customer expectations, and foster a culture of continuous improvement and customer-centricity. As Josh puts it, "It's about being able to leverage every piece of data to enhance our customer's journey with us, and make every interaction count."

When RE/MAX implements these advanced AI tools, RE/MAX will be able to set a new standard in customer service, one that is data-driven, insightful, and above all, customer-focused.

“There’s a tremendous amount of ROI in a partner like Dialpad”

Now that RE/MAX is already seeing significant success with Dialpad and is looking forward to even more success after implementing some Dialpad Ai features, they understand the immense return on investment that a robust AI-powered platform can offer. Josh reflects on the future of RE/MAX’s AI journey, noting the multiple ways in which Dialpad Ai will be able to enhance its operations.

Josh points out that RE/MAX's adoption of Dialpad Ai will lead to more streamlined operations, and enable them to serve their customers more effectively and efficiently. "The AI features like transcription and real-time assistance can drastically reduce the time spent on calls and improve the quality of our customer interactions. I think this will translate directly into better service and increased satisfaction for our clients."

His advice to other organizations considering integrating AI into their systems? Josh emphasizes the importance of a strategic approach and starting from the top. "The importance is finding little victories and selling the value of AI across the organization by using the power of storytelling. Start with the executive and get them on board with adopting AI," says Josh. “Once you gain momentum, AI can really move the needle and make significant changes within the organization.”

In RE/MAX’s case, Dialpad will help them get leaner and more intentional with their service providers. “AI can be challenging to navigate in the workplace,” Josh admits. “But with an invaluable partner like Dialpad, you can create a business case for your executive team so they can understand the value of AI as well.”

As RE/MAX looks to the future, Josh is confident that their partnership with Dialpad Ai will continue to yield positive results. "The ROI we've seen with Dialpad Ai is just the beginning. We're excited about what lies ahead and how these tools will continue to evolve and help us achieve our goals."

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