See how Impel handles 1,800+ calls a week with Dialpad
It’s such an intuitive system. When I’m training users on it, I’ll familiarize them with the interface, but it’s mostly just showing them where to find stuff. Once you see the interface, you can easily figure out what to do with it.
Michael Case
IT Manager, Impel
We were all forced to completely change the way that we work, and the PBX system simply would not have worked at that point. And so the fact that we switched over to you guys six months prior is an incredible blessing, because that made my job worlds easier.
Michael Case
IT Manager, Impel
Being able to switch between the desktop and mobile interface has been big. When I’m on a call and have to step away from my computer, I just hit a button and the call flips from my computer to my phone as I’m going out the door. With most other platforms, you don’t really find that kind of seamless transition.
Michael Case
IT Manager, Impel
The care that Dialpad has taken with our account has been awesome. They’ve been super helpful whenever I have a concern, so as far as I’m concerned, our account managers are rockstars.
Michael Case
IT Manager, Impel
Take Dialpad for a spin
Sign up for a 14-day free trial to get phone calls, video meetings, and instant + SMS/MMS messaging in one place. It takes just a few minutes to get started, and you'll be set up with a virtual phone number too!