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Fenway Health switches over 600 employees to remote work

Fenway Heath hero
Fenway Health


  • Enterprise


Dialpad is flexible enough in how they port numbers over that we were able to roll it out site-by-site, which allowed us to shrink down our training sizes. Then, we customized training for our clinics and the departments they were working with to best suit their workflows. Every time we rolled out Dialpad in a new site, it kept getting easier and faster.

Jon DiBiasio
I.T. Director

We have a lot fewer mistakes. Before Dialpad, our call center managers had to be very hands-on with their training, and now we have coaching groups so it’s easier to shadow calls. We can review analytics around call lengths, listen in to the audio, and make adjustments based on the agent, so our call center managers are more well-equipped to train them.

Jon DiBiasio
I.T. Director


Now location doesn’t really matter. We can look at call center agents across the country, so if we want to expand hours, we can look at midwest and west coast time zones, and it’s really easy to do so. I think in the future we’ll be expanding our clinic hours, especially at night for emergency calls. Dialpad is flexible enough that we don’t have to look around or leave people sitting on hold, because we can hire from anywhere across the globe to fulfill those needs, provide training remotely, and expand the hours we have now.

Jon DiBiasio
I.T. Director


Dialpad helped us catch a lot of things. A big problem we used to have was calls getting transferred to the wrong place… now we’re able to identify those and can get ahead of it. We can see call journeys, catch those transfers, and educate our staff on the appropriate places to route those calls.

Jon DiBiasio
I.T. Director

We started seeing calls ending faster because we were able to shadow calls and jump in when we needed to or address agent staffing almost before those needs even came up! It really all came together and helped our remote and on-site balance.

Jon DiBiasio
I.T. Director

We didn’t have equipment to send home with folks, but they were able to use smartphones and web browsers to access the call centers, and our call center service levels were unaffected. It was a very easy transition.

Jon DiBiasio
I.T. Director

Healthcare centers that have direct patient care aren’t going away, but support services can use Telehealth to lower their footprint, expand upon public services, and re-use the footprint they’re saving.

Jon DiBiasio
I.T. Director

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