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The future of email marketing: Predictions for AI and interactivity

Aquibur Rahman

CEO at Mailmodo

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AI has enabled unprecedented levels of personalization and automation in B2B email marketing. But with AI tools taking care of time-consuming tasks, what new opportunities can email marketers explore to further enhance their campaigns and connect with their audience on a deeper level? This article will walk you through how AI has changed the face of B2B marketing and the future AI trends and insights you can expect in this field.

Benefits of AI in B2B email marketing

AI can automate tasks, saving time and resources for marketers, but what is the value it brings to the table for B2B email marketing?

1. Increased revenue

Businesses can leverage advanced computer science techniques and computational capabilities to extract valuable insights from customer data. These insights encompass various aspects of your customer, including customer behavior. ‌ Using these insights, you can optimize email content, subject lines, and send times to improve the success of your email marketing

2. Streamlined campaign creation

Creating winning email campaigns is accessible, efficient, and faster with AI-powered tools. These tools include features like pre-built templates, dynamic content generation, and automated workflows. With AI-driven capabilities, you can produce high-quality collateral by reducing 20% of the cost, according to 51% of the respondents in a study by McKinsey and Company. This efficiency frees up your team's resources to focus on other critical tasks.

3. Customer engagement

Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all email content. Customers find personalized emails engaging and are more likely to take action when they receive them. Email personalization has come a long way, but with AI, it takes a giant leap forward on improving customer engagement. Just like social media tools, AI-based email marketing enables the creation of hyper-personalized emails by dynamically generating content based on user preferences and past interactions. It leverages AI to automatically insert personalized product recommendations, tailored offers, and dynamic pricing based on real-time data.

4 ways AI is transforming B2B email marketing

The whole world is buzzing about generative AI these days, and email marketers can't stop talking about it. They're all hyped up about how real-time behavioral-based personalization is going to be the next big thing in email. But wait, how else is AI shaking up the email marketing game?

1. Crafting email subject lines

Subject lines are the headlines of your email copy. Email subject lines influence 33% of recipients' decisions to open your email. Using AI to write creative email subject lines can increase open rates by 5-10%. AI subject line generators are driven by natural language processing (NLP) and natural language generation.

2. Personalizing email copy

AI helps create email copy that will resonate with the target audience of your email campaign. This helps send them personalized content, thereby foreseeing an opportunity for increased engagement and conversions.

For example, Mailmodo is a complete email marketing solution that not only helps you personalize emails but also creates and sends interactive emails with forms, carts, calendars, games, and other widgets for higher conversions. By incorporating interactive elements into email campaigns, businesses can capture their audience's attention and drive higher levels of interaction and conversion.

3. Audience segmentation

Segmentation is a core marketing activity as it helps identify your target persona because it's essential to know who you want to convince. Segmenting an email list manually can be tedious and error-prone process that consumes valuable time.

By harnessing the power of AI, email marketers can effectively categorize their email lists based on comprehensive data collected from existing clients. Keep in mind that email deliverability is an essential factor when it comes to email marketing.

This data includes valuable insights such as purchase history, browsing behavior, and individual preferences. Leveraging this information, AI systems can intelligently construct email segments and deliver personalized content to each recipient.

4. Automating emails

With numerous to-dos, competing priorities, and increasing responsibilities of a marketer, automating your emails provides an efficient and systematic way to send transactional emails.

By leveraging AI in email automation, businesses can automate mundane tasks, integrate data from CRM systems, and personalize emails with information saved in customer databases. This streamlines processes save time and enhances customer engagement, ultimately leading to improved marketing outcomes.

The right email marketing platform will help seamlessly integrate with other marketing tools. You can integrate email automation platform into your CRM or other communication platforms like Dialpad, Aweber, and Shopify and set up automation triggers immediately after a sales call.

For instance, with Dialpad's Real-Time Assist cards, this feature gets triggered when specific keywords are mentioned during a sales call, which helps your team know how to respond to your leads. After the call, you can set up your email automation tool so that it immediately sends an email thanking clients for their time and providing them with more sales information.

RTA card

Dialpad's Real Time Assist Card

Future of AI in B2B email marketing

By leveraging AI capabilities, such as natural language processing, machine learning, and predictive analytics, interactive emails can dynamically adapt and respond to user inputs, preferences, and behaviors. Let's explore the future potential of AI:

  • AI emails will enable hyper-personalization by leveraging user data and AI algorithms. AI-powered tools will automate various aspects of email marketing, such as email content generation, scheduling, segmentation, and A/B testing, saving time for marketers and ensuring consistent quality content and optimized campaigns.

  • AI will leverage predictive analytics to anticipate customer needs and behaviors, allowing marketers to send targeted emails at the right time. By analyzing historical data and patterns, AI algorithms will predict customer preferences, buying cycles, and optimal send times, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

  • AI will play a crucial role in engaging potential and existing customers through personalized and timely interactions. Conversational AI chatbots and virtual assistants will provide real-time customer support, recommendations, and assistance, enhancing the overall customer experience.

  • AI technology is expected to become an integral part of email marketing in the future, providing marketers with powerful tools to enhance their campaigns and achieve greater success.

Considerations for using AI in email marketing

Due to the ongoing development of regulations in AI, here are some critical issues to address:

1. Assess your vendors

Start by thoroughly vetting your vendors before choosing a tool or service. Consider their approach to data security and how they protect user data when using AI systems that rely on personal information. Also, evaluate their efforts to ensure data accuracy over time and inquire about the language models or datasets they utilize to gauge the trustworthiness of the output. This knowledge will allow you to confidently explain the benefits and limitations of your chosen vendor and AI to colleagues, customers, and subscribers.

2. Check for bias and discrimination

Evaluate your vendors for biases in their models. Responsible AI practices should eliminate inherent biases in the systems they employ. Biases in AI systems can lead to unfair outcomes and perpetuate discrimination.

3. Exercise caution with AI-generated imagery

Be cautious when using generative AI for email imagery. Studies have revealed biases in specific AI models, such as generating predominantly white male images by default and reinforcing stereotypes. It's important to note that AI-generated imagery may include unauthorized use of artists' work, potentially infringing on copyrights.

4. Be mindful of AI-generated copy

Remember that AI tools, like humans, are not perfect. Some AI tools may produce nonsensical or offensive outputs. If you use generative AI for copywriting, use it judiciously and exercise sound judgment.

Merging AI with email marketing and beyond

AI assists marketers in cutting costs by creating tailored email messages based on individual profiles. As a result, you can build effective campaigns while optimizing resources. If you haven't incorporated AI into your B2B email marketing strategy, now's the time! Aside from only using AI for email, keep in mind that there are plenty of use cases for AI in communications that you should also explore, such as contact center AI.

Empower your team on B2B email marketing with Dialpad AI

Book a chat with our team to learn about how businesses and organizations are already using Dialpad Ai to make their B2B email marketing top-notch. Or, take a self-guided interactive tour of the app on your own!