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Understanding Your Customer: Ai Technologies to Boost CX & Business Metrics

Join Metrigy's CEO, Robin Gareiss; Director of Product Marketing, Jim Payne; and Continental's VP of Customer Communication, John Torres, to learn how to set up a successful voice of the customer program--one where you'll see business metrics soar as a result.


Customer feedback is the crown jewel of any successful engagement strategy. But the reality is, few companies are gathering, analyzing, and acting on customer insights as well as they could be.

Join us for this transformative webinar with Metrigy and Continental Stock Transfer & Trust to learn the secrets to skyrocketing your customer engagement to unprecedented levels—all by harnessing the power of your support staff.

We'll address the following questions and more:

- What should you do to properly gather and act upon customer insights?

- How can artificial intelligence help to improve accuracy and leverage open-ended comments?

- What kind of success do companies see when they implement a solid strategy?

- How can this information improve customer service and sales reps’ performance?


Jim Payne

Jim Payne

Director of Product Marketing

For Metrigy Webinar Robin Gareiss

Robin Gareiss


For Metrigy Webinar John Torres

John Torres

VP and Director of Customer Communication
Continental Stock Transfer & Trust