Computer monitor showing Dialpad's contact centre AI transcribing a call in real time
Your agents' BFF

Contact centre AI

With consumers expecting more from companies than ever before, contact centre AI is becoming crucial to help you provide an ever-improving customer experience while balancing costs and agent happiness. Dialpad's artificial intelligence can:

  • Transcribe calls in real time
  • Automatically pop up Real-time Assist cards for agents
  • Do live sentiment analysis
  • And more...

Book a product tour to see how Dialpad’s easy-to-set-up contact centre AI can help your team!


What is contact centre AI?

AI, or artificial intelligence, is technology that enables machines and computers to perform tasks usually carried out by humans. Machine learning and natural language processing (which you’ll often hear when people talk about AI) are branches, or applications of AI.

Contact centre AI is the specific application of this technology for use in—you guessed it—contact centres. Generally, AI in contact centres is used to automate repetitive tasks and empower agents to deliver a better customer experience.

Contact centre AI features, built right into the platform

Screenshot of Dialpad Ai transcribing a phone call in real time.

Live transcriptions

Dialpad’s artificial intelligence, which we call Dialpad Ai, can transcribe calls—in real time. (And it can do it more accurately than almost all leading competitors!) Not only that, it also delivers a call summary afterward with action items to the agent on the call. And thanks to machine learning, the more you use Dialpad Ai, the more accurate it gets.

💡 Fun fact:

Dialpad Ai can even automatically tell the agent if they are speaking too quickly or using too many filler words!

Screenshot of Dialpad Ai analysing the sentiment of multiple calls in real time

Sentiment analysis

What if a supervisor could see customer satisfaction levels for every call their agents are on—in real time? That’s what Dialpad’s sentiment analysis feature does­. It can identify specific words or phrases live on calls, determine whether a call is going positively or poorly, and show that with a simple marker on the list of active calls. This way, managers can spot problems quickly and jump in to help agents before things go south.

[RTA cards] really helped us build out the way we train CSRs, [as it] pulls up guidance for them right away as opposed to making them reach out to someone else.

Jude Tungul
Business Operations and Intelligence Manager at Westward360
Screenshot of Dialpad's API automatically turning off call recording when sensitive information is being shared

Custom APIs

With Dialpad’s open API, you can build custom integrations and automations for your organisation’s specific dialogue flows and customer interactions. For example, if your contact centre agents regularly collect payment information over the phone, there’s an API that automatically pauses call and screen recording to help you stay compliant!

Thinking of implementing contact centre AI?

Book a demo to see how Dialpad’s industry-leading contact centre platform can spur digital transformation for your team—and act like a virtual assistant that makes life easier for both your agents and supervisors. Or, take a self-guided interactive tour of the app on your own first!

The first step toward using AI in customer communications is finding the right AI contact centre solution. Here’s how Dialpad Ai Contact Centre measures up:

Dialpad Ai Contact Centre vs other contact centre platforms

🌟 Native capabilities
Owns all of its own technology and features—including AI, real-time transcription, omnichannel, and self-service chatbot functionality.
Typically need partner integrations / third-party tools to provide a full range of functionality, like AI, transcription, and omnichannel support.
⏰ Time-to-Value (TTV)
Setting up a new contact centre takes as little as a few minutes thanks to Dialpad’s cloud-native platform and menu-driven self-configuration.
Setting up new users can take days or weeks, requiring significant professional services involvement.
📈 Scalability
Incredibly easy to scale up and down—you can add and remove call queues, and hundreds of users all on your own!
Can scale up (more easily with cloud than on-prem platforms), but difficult to scale users back down if business is only seasonally busy (even for cloud solutions).
💰 Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
Dialpad Ai Contact Centre offers transparent pricing, high-value bundles of capabilities, and support is always included in all plans.
May entice customers with a low initial price point that doesn’t include many needed features.
🌟 Native capabilities
Owns all of its own technology and features—including AI, real-time transcription, omnichannel, and self-service chatbot functionality.
Typically need partner integrations / third-party tools to provide a full range of functionality, like AI, transcription, and omnichannel support.
⏰ Time-to-Value (TTV)
Setting up a new contact centre takes as little as a few minutes thanks to Dialpad’s cloud-native platform and menu-driven self-configuration.
Setting up new users can take days or weeks, requiring significant professional services involvement.
📈 Scalability
Incredibly easy to scale up and down—you can add and remove call queues, and hundreds of users all on your own!
Can scale up (more easily with cloud than on-prem platforms), but difficult to scale users back down if business is only seasonally busy (even for cloud solutions).
💰 Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
Dialpad Ai Contact Centre offers transparent pricing, high-value bundles of capabilities, and support is always included in all plans.
May entice customers with a low initial price point that doesn’t include many needed features.

Other essential contact centre functionality to look for

Being able to leverage the power of AI in a contact centre is a big plus. It’s not the only thing to look for from a contact centre solution, however.

Screenshot of Dialpad's call routing options

Simple call routing

With Dialpad’s easy-to-customise ACD and IVR (Interactive Voice Response) menus, your human agents can focus on high-value tasks like helping callers with complex problems instead of manually routing calls. Dialpad’s built-in analytics even show you which IVR options are being used most (and least) so you can continuously improve and streamline the self-service experience!

💡 Fun fact:

Dialpad Ai Contact Centre’s pricing plans all include Dialpad Ai. It’s built right into every product.

Screenshot of Dialpad's Playvox integration

An integrated WFM solution

Looking for workforce management and optimisation features? Dialpad’s integration with Playvox gives you a robust contact centre platform with all of that built in. From gamification to schedule adherence to forecasting and more, get it all in one place.

There are only a few solutions out there that could handle this, and I’m so glad we ended up with the best [Dialpad] because it provides us with all of the flexibility and solutions we needed to provide excellent customer support remotely.

Fernan Kalaw
Director of Customer Support at InfoTrack
Screenshot of Dialpad's Zendesk integration

Integrations with your favourite tools

Whether you use HubSpot, Zendesk, Microsoft 365, or Google Workspace, Dialpad has a wide range of integrations with most popular business tools. These integrations can automatically log calls and activities, allow you to make phone calls from right inside your CRM, and help create a better omnichannel experience.

Ready for an AI contact centre solution?

Want to see how contact centre AI can help your organisation provide an exceptional customer experience and train agents at scale (in real time)? Book a demo or take a self-guided interactive tour of the app on your own first!

FAQs about contact centre AI

Is it possible for AI to replace call centre agents?

We don't think that replacing human agents is the endgame for AI in a call centre or contact centre. For us, AI technology is a complementary piece of an efficient contact centre or call centre team.

In our view, the best way to make the most of the technology is to pair it with the human element, enhancing agent capabilities and empowering agents rather than replacing them—for example, that's why we designed RTA cards to provide handy tips for agents and help steer them through tough questions.

The fact that AI is so useful for coaching and support is also beneficial for employee retention in the high-churn contact centre industry. By giving agents the tools they need and reducing customer frustration, you’re creating a less-stressful workspace where humans are happy to stay.

Are chatbots enough to handle customer support for small businesses?

What exactly is Dialpad Ai? How does it work?

How can AI help facilitate customer self-service?