Coaching Center Blog Image

You want it, your reps need it, and your boss thinks you’re already doing it—oh yes, we’re talking about sales coaching.

And while we all agree that practice makes perfect, sales coaching (especially coaching done right) can drive meaningful results for your team, including:

  • Increasing close rates
  • Decreasing expired deals
  • Decreasing close date changes
  • Decreasing “days since last customer touched"

So why is it that so many sales orgs waste resources due to random and informal coaching approaches? Well, for starters, it’s not an exact science. What works in one reps’ pitch might not sound right coming from another. And getting reps saying the right thing, at the right time doesn’t happen overnight. It takes repetition, commitment, trial and other words, practice.

And that’s what we’ve been thinking about over the past few months. Can we help build something to solve for some of these challenges? Something to help managers get a better hold of their sales training and coaching strategy? A way to scale their efforts rather than jumping from rep to rep, call to call?

Which leads us to our latest news: starting today, every Dialpad Ai Sales account comes with our Coaching Center—a single space for managers to access, dig in, and coach on their reps’ calls.

Ai Sales: A single view of rep activity

With Dialpad Ai Sales, managers get a streamlined view of their reps’ call logs with options to filter by rep, the disposition (meeting set up, left voicemail), a moment that happened (competitor mentioned), and phone number.

Once individual calls have been identified, managers can jump into the call summary (recently redesigned) to access the call transcription, call recording, filterable moments, and commenting.

Managers can share or download the call they’re viewing, in addition to adding it to a call playlist to share with a broader team, whether that’s ramping reps or team leads.

This is available on every Dialpad Ai Sales account. You’ll need to have coaching access to leverage the new feature (your Dialpad admin can grant this access).

Dialpad Ai Sales: The only phone built for Sales teams

With real-time coaching for ramping new reps more quickly to automatic call logging no matter the device and sales call reporting, sales teams now have a powerful collection of productivity-increasing tools available from a single platform. Additional tools include:

Learn more about how to ramp reps and close more deals with Dialpad Ai Sales

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